
OpenSoNaR is an online corpus retrieval system that allows for analyzing and searching the SoNaR and CGN corpora.

The current application contains two corpora:

- The SoNaR corpus contains more than 500 million words of text from various domains and genres. All texts were tokenised, POS tagged and lemmatised. The named entities were also labelled. All annotations of SoNaR were produced automatically. The corpus data are available for researchers, cf. More information about the corpus can be found in the corpus documentation at

- The Corpus of Spoken Dutch (Corpus Gesproken Nederlands, CGN) is a collection of 900 hours (almost 9 million words) of contemporary Dutch speech, originating from Flemish and Dutch speakers. The speech fragments (spontaneous and prepared) are aligned with various transcriptions (including orthographic, phonetic) and annotations (lemma, POS tags). All annotations have been verified manually, except for the phonetic transcription: only 11,3% was verified. The corpus data are available for researchers, cf

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